We are a small batch fermenting outfit, dedicated to creating kick-ass, salt of the earth, live-cultured probiotic foods.
And, we are sisters!
We live, love & batch in Adelaide, South Australia. Remedy (the big sister) has been a Raw & Fermented food educator since 2007. Kristy (the little sister) had a long career in Nursing. We joined forces in 2017 and ‘The Culturehood’ was born!
Whilst we continue to educate & re-skill people on the ancient art of fermentation, we realised that despite our best intentions, some people still found themselves time poor. Hence our dedication to gut health became not just about re-skilling but refilling (other people’s fridges). Our favourite recipes became our best sellers & stories continued to filter back to us of the remarkable healing benefits people experienced, at times life changing shifts in their health from the small but consistent intake of consuming cultured foods.
It has been this which has inspired us to keep teaching, to keep batching & sharing what we love to do with the world.